I remember telling my mom that when I grew up
I was going to live in a white house with white furniture,
and white carpet with a white Persian cat!!
Well, life happened and together we have 2 boys (3 if you count my husband :))
and one girl (she would do well with white)
Not complaining at all, but boys and white
don't do well together.
Part of my early childhood dream has come true.
I do have a LOT of white furniture.
(We also have a mix of dark)
I have a white area rug that I can
easily toss in the washing machine.
I've never had a white Persian cat
but we had a white "miniature" bunny
that grew to be the size of our pug Max!!
So with that being said...
here are some more whites in our house and my old shop.
I hope you enjoy :))
~ On the entry table ~
~ Sconce in entry wall ~
~ Top of mirror in the entry way ~
~ In the dining room I have a collection of frames ~
~ I will have frames like these in my shop ~
(Eventually, lol)
~ Old tin ~
(It is much larger than it appears )
actual size 2' x 2'
~ Another frame ~
~ Wire hanging basket for "In" and "Out" mail ~
~ White curvy wire basket ~
that holds cloth napkins
~ Love the edging and cross stitched roses ~
~ Candle chandelier that hangs ~
over the kitchen counter
~ White table runner with crochet edging ~
( A Christmas gift from my sweet husband )
~ An old iron grate that hangs over the back door ~
~ Another window pane that hangs over our fireplace ~
~ My favorite photo EVER ~
(except for family photos of course)
I heard that the nurse in the photo
just died recently :(
~ My old shop (sniffle) ~
(I miss it)
~ Crystal candle holders ~
Love that distressed shelf
~ Not sure why that shutter is there, lol ~
But tht mirror was so beautiful!!!
~ Dried Roses on a hall tree that my brother made ~
(These will be available too)
~ A chair I painted, distressed, and reupholstered ~
~ The check out counter and my favorite sign ~
It says...
"Your husband called
and said you can buy anything you want"
Love it!!! (Another gift from Scotty)
Many conversations were shared
over that sign and counter.
I met some of the sweetest people in here.
A lot like the people that I have
encountered through this blog!!!
~ Love Picasa ~
~ The front was constantly changing ~
Which was a good thing :))
~ Lots and lots of mirrors ~
We had a great mix of women and talent!
~ But it all meshed very well ~
~ More crystal lighting ~
~ We didn't really have a lot of antiques ~
but it's a cool sign :)
~ Ahhhh... my favorite french doors ~
~ And again... LOVE them!!! ~
~ Last but not least ~
A page from one of Rachel Ashwell's books.
Something to always strive for.
~ Humility ~
Thank you all for visiting!!
It means so much to me :))
I would love to hear from you!!
~ Have a wonderful day ~