Today I am joining Cindy
My Romantic Home
~ Show and Tell Friday ~
~ Favorite Things Friday ~
A Few of My Favorite Things
Kathy at
A Delightsome Life
~ Victoria ~ A Return To Loveliness ~
Blog Party #3
I absolutely love Victoria Magazine!!
And I have quite a collection.
I discovered it about 17 years ago
when I was newly married
and a stay at home mom.
and a stay at home mom.
We had an instant family
with his and mine together.
with his and mine together.
We were on a very tight budget
so I would usually
so I would usually
get my fix at the supermarket
in the magazine aisle :))
in the magazine aisle :))
Luckily, everybody liked looking
at the magazines!
at the magazines!
At first, I started buying just one,
the Valentine's Day copy.
the Valentine's Day copy.
This is the oldest one that I have.
~ 1993 ~
~ 1994 ~
~ 1995 ~
~ 1996 ~
~ 2000 ~
These are not all of them,
just some of my favorites.
(This cover is one of my very favorites)
~ 2002 ~
(It's a toss up between these two)
It's funny how a magazine can be such
a huge part of your life.
But it really has helped shape me into
the person I am today.
I love everything about Victoria.
From the stories, the recipes,
not to mention the photographs!!!
Sooo inspiring!!
I was even introduced to Pilates through Victoria.
Pilates is a form of exercise that includes a lot
of stretching and core strengthening.
There is no bouncing, jumping,
or jarring movements.
It is just as relaxing as much as it is exercise!!
I highly recommend it!!!
When I start decorating for the holidays,
I always pull out my magazines
for some ideas and inspiration.
I cannot tell you how may times
I have flipped through
the pages of my December issues!!
I LOVE White!!!
There is no mistake about that,
but when fall hits I like warmer colors.
The contrast between the white and
darker colors is just beautiful!!
This is my favorite December cover!!
I love the deep, rich colors.
Plaid is right next to white
on my FAVORITES List :))
Not sure why, but I love anything PLAID!!
There must be a bit of Scottish
in my gypsy blood :))
The photographers have such a way to make
it look so warm and cozy!!
The perfect chair to sit and read!!
I would wear this in a heartbeat!!
And Scotty could wear this!!
(Heck, I would wear this, lol!!)
I love masculine looking clothes when they
are fitted to a feminine form.
Very appealing to me!!
I prefer the styling and photography
of the old Victoria.
(Shhh... don't tell)
But I am so happy that it's back :))
I can't really put my finger on it,
but there was just a softness about it.
It had a dreamy kind of feeling about it.
As warm as the fall issues were,
the summer issues were cool and breezy.
Blue and White is so perfect together.
I know Cindy has this all over her home
just from reading her blog :))
I also happen to know that she has quite
an extensive collection of chintz.
Sooo pretty!!
Along with my 70 + magazines
I am always on the look out for
books from Victoria.
I have a few but would love to add to my collection.
My favorite (and is on my coffee table now) is
~ At home with White ~
Instant vacation :))
I love Creamware and will be listing some
in my Etsy shop to sell soon.
I found this at a thrift shop.
It was a gift from what I would guess
to be grand kids.
Nice grandma, lol!!!
How can someone part with
something like that???
Oh well, that's my sentimental side I guess.
It has such beautiful pictures, thoughts,
quotes, and stories throughout he book.
I love this picture!
Her hands resemble my grandmother's hands.
I can still (after 30 years of her passing)
remember her hands,
how she smelled, her voice, her laugh.
So much of who I am today
is from my grandmother.
She had kind of wild side too, lol!!
My mom got that part!!
Love ya mom :))
Another reason I am so
enamored with Victoria
is because of all of the flowers!!!
This book "A House in Bloom"
has gorgeous ideas on how to
decorate with florals.
I am always on the hunt for
older magazines, books,
or anything else from Victoria.
If anybody has some that need a good home
I am willing to adopt, care for,
and pay for the shipping of them.
(I am not above hand-me-downs:))
Kathy at A Delightsome Life is hosting
~ Victoria ~ A Return To Loveliness ~
Blog Party #3
Be sure to join us over at Cindy's blog for more
~ Show and Tell ~

Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Love to y'all!!!

The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Numbers 6: 22 - 27
Hi Michella, you have showcased your collection beautifully! The Valentines covers are works of art... each is amazing, I love the victorian scrap but also the pave roses:-) I love their books too, I will have to look for the house in bloom one!
Thanks for sharing, I am a bit jealous!
Hi Michella, I also have a Huge collection of these gorgeous magazines. About 7 years ago I bought about 12 yrs worth of the older issues from a lady on Ebay
including the PREMIER ISSUE!!
With shipping, they came out to a buck a piece(don't be haten! lol)
They are all in excellent condition and are my little "treasure".
FYI: Did you know that after the magazine was canceled, the premier issue was selling on Ebay for 80 to 120 dollars? Then when it made a comeback the price drastically dropped, I think it might be at about 10 to 20 dollars at the moment. I should have sold high and bought low but I didn't see that coming, CURSES!! lol
I am also the proud owner of their beautiful books which, amazingly, I was finding at Ross for a fraction of their cost. But that was a while back.
I'm so glad you get to enjoy yours and share them with your followers, unfortunately mine are boxed and in storage since we were forced to downsizeread herebut I'll be like a kid in a candy store when I dig those up again. Oh, how I pray they didn't get ruined.
Michella, I am so proud of these blog...I love it! ;)
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