I remember telling my mom that when I grew up
I was going to live in a white house with white furniture,
and white carpet with a white Persian cat!!
Well, life happened and together we have 2 boys (3 if you count my husband :))
and one girl (she would do well with white)
Not complaining at all, but boys and white
don't do well together.
Part of my early childhood dream has come true.
I do have a LOT of white furniture.
(We also have a mix of dark)
I have a white area rug that I can
easily toss in the washing machine.
I've never had a white Persian cat
but we had a white "miniature" bunny
that grew to be the size of our pug Max!!
So with that being said...
here are some more whites in our house and my old shop.
I hope you enjoy :))
~ On the entry table ~
~ Sconce in entry wall ~
~ Top of mirror in the entry way ~
~ In the dining room I have a collection of frames ~
~ I will have frames like these in my shop ~
(Eventually, lol)
~ Old tin ~
(It is much larger than it appears )
actual size 2' x 2'
~ Another frame ~
~ Wire hanging basket for "In" and "Out" mail ~
~ White curvy wire basket ~
that holds cloth napkins
~ Love the edging and cross stitched roses ~
~ Candle chandelier that hangs ~
over the kitchen counter
~ White table runner with crochet edging ~
( A Christmas gift from my sweet husband )
~ An old iron grate that hangs over the back door ~
~ Another window pane that hangs over our fireplace ~
~ My favorite photo EVER ~
(except for family photos of course)
I heard that the nurse in the photo
just died recently :(
~ My old shop (sniffle) ~
(I miss it)
~ Crystal candle holders ~
Love that distressed shelf
~ Not sure why that shutter is there, lol ~
But tht mirror was so beautiful!!!
~ Dried Roses on a hall tree that my brother made ~
(These will be available too)
~ A chair I painted, distressed, and reupholstered ~
~ The check out counter and my favorite sign ~
It says...
"Your husband called
and said you can buy anything you want"
Love it!!! (Another gift from Scotty)
Many conversations were shared
over that sign and counter.
I met some of the sweetest people in here.
A lot like the people that I have
encountered through this blog!!!
~ Love Picasa ~
~ The front was constantly changing ~
Which was a good thing :))
~ Lots and lots of mirrors ~
We had a great mix of women and talent!
~ But it all meshed very well ~
~ More crystal lighting ~
~ We didn't really have a lot of antiques ~
but it's a cool sign :)
~ Ahhhh... my favorite french doors ~
~ And again... LOVE them!!! ~
~ Last but not least ~
A page from one of Rachel Ashwell's books.
Something to always strive for.
~ Humility ~
Thank you all for visiting!!
It means so much to me :))
I would love to hear from you!!
~ Have a wonderful day ~

Hello, I found you through Kathleen's blog. You're just down the road from where I'm at. Will you open another shop in Tomball. I sure hope so, you have beautiful things. I used to love to go antiquing in Tomball, it was one of my fav towns to, but then all the great shops started closing and I haven't been back in years. I sell at antique shows, Zapp Hall and Red Barn. I hope you'll over and visit my blog. Have a great day, Theresa
Hi Michella, what a beautiful home and shop! Love all the mirrors and the grate above your doorway...I'm looking for a chandeliar like that hopefully I'll find one soon.
Your shop was beatiful, pictures of it just take my breath away, you are so talented!
Such a lovely post!I have been struggling with decorating my buffet, and I love the rolled up napkins in a basket idea.
I think it would be so exciting to have a little shop like that.I'll bet you do miss it:(
I need to get a cup of coffee and spend a lot of time enjoying your photos. Just like a magazine.
The Most Beautiful Eye Candy ~ Perfect Post for White Wednesday....
I agree with Cheryl...beautiful eye candy! I think if your shop was near me you would have been sick of seeing me! I am enjoying looking at all your photos over and over and over again!
Michella... I found your site by reading a comment you left for Julie at julie-inspiredbyyou.blogspot.com. As I was reading your comment I thought... that could soooooo have been written by me. Let’s see… I'm a grandma, I'm new to blogging, I’m not a chattie Kathy, I don’t have a lot of close girlfriends, I have been lurking other people’s blogs, I’ve just started leaving comments, I’ve just done my first link up on the Graphics Fairy and people have just started visiting my blog. I too feel like I’m receiving a pat on the back when someone leaves a comment!
Obviously you are a sweet Christian, as am I (well, I don’t know if I’m “sweet”, but I AM a Christian! ), and you are not afraid to proclaim it. You have gone through times of sorrow, pain, and discouragement, but you have put your faith in the Lord to get you through. I have just started back to work full time this week after 7 weeks full time and 2 weeks part time of medical leave. I was not allowed to do anything – including being on my computer. It was a tough time to “delight in weakness”, but I believe the Lord was just saying to me, “be still and know that I am God”.
It’s funny because I left a comment for Julie and we have written back and forth several times. You do kind of start feeling that perfect strangers are becoming your friends. I love your blog and all the beautiful white stuff, and all the lovely things you had in your shop. You are truly an inspiration! HOW WONDERFUL it must be to have a shop with such awesome things!!! I would love to live near you!! I am now “Following” you, and will be checking back often. I would love for you to visit my blog as well… http://debbie-idodesigns.blogspot.com I certainly don’t have the beautiful things like you, but I’m in the process of redoing many things in my home.
Perhaps this will be the beginning of a new friendship for us as well. God bless you as you follow HIS plan for the days ahead.
I love all the white. Sometimes, I wish that I had more!!! I am your newest follower!
Hi Michella, Thanks for the sweet comments at my place and inviting me over! All I can say is OMG that College Trophy is meant for me...considering my blog is Haverford House! Love all your white - white is my new favorite - can't have enough! Have a great 4th of July! ~Marcy
such beautiful photos and beautiful things, I love that basket shape, with the napkins!!
thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment.
great pics! Lot's of pretty things.
Great minds think alike! We both did white posts today!!! Love all your whites! Gorgeous!!!
It IS just like looking through a magazine! Gorgeous! I remember white, then I had kids though. Now it is all gray! Thanks for the beautiful photos! Found you through The Girl Creative.
NEVER!!! white is the color for me!
found you through trendy treehouse!
your newest follower!
Wow! My mouth is hanging open! :)
I wish I could visit your shop! I love everything!
Love it all! Very refreshing and warm! really wonderful.I am your new follower. Great blog you have here. Come visit me at http://showmemama.blogspot.com
Happy Friday!
Hi! New follower from Friendly Friday - love your blog! I hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!
xo Erin
Hi! Just became your newest follower from Friendly Friday. I love all of your white. I have just purchased a beach condo (home away from home) and I'm decorating in all vintage white.
Your pictures are so inspirational. I will be back often. Annette
I love all the whites. Things around here are changing daily and I'm getting more white than I ever dreamed I would have and loving it. Wish I had done this years ago like you did.
Don't be sad about not having your shop. Someday you'll have another that's even better, I'm sure! Chin up!
What beautiful things you have and your shop looked amazing! I heard that the nurse in the photo passed away too, very sad but she'll be remembered always through that photo!
Kat :)
Hi Michella, your shop was so adorable, I hope you'll have another, you have such a good eye for the cottage look and I can tell you looove the hunt too! The picture is so special, sorry to hear the nurse just passed away! I'm still deciding on the small chandy, I have one more to look at near here that is white(you know white is what I really want), but I could paint yours...Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
Oh my. Where to start? It is all so beautiful. :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia
Thanks for visiting my blog, An Oregon Cottage- I was happy to take a look at your treasures! Wow- love them. And I'm definitely interested in your future tutorials. :-) I look forward to seeing more!
Hi Michella,
Oh--I hope you'll come visit my blog as I am having a Linky Party next Friday--I hope you'll join us--people would be so inspired by you!!!
Whimsical Musings
I'm going to become a follower too!
What pretty pictures. I love the in and out basket!!
Laura @ along for the ride
Oh, thank you so much for coming by!!! Your blog is SOOO beautiful that I just knew you'd have something awesome to link up!
Very inspiring. I just need another house to decorate!
Took my time looking through all your lovely whites, you have great taste!
Hi..I’m Barb….I am from FF. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @ santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.
I also Am your newest Fan on Facebook & would love for you to be a new Fan of my page too. I am just starting at Facebook. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!
Woo hoo! I'm presenting you wish The Versatile Blogger Award...come to my blog and see the details!!!
Need to see it at Whimsical Musings and grab the button!
All your whites and making me yearn to add more to our home. Such style you have, lady! Each pic made me smile and get even more jealous. Just lovely.
Love the white! It is going in my style file for sure!
Happy 4th of July!
I had a wonderful time visiting--you have some beautiful displays.
So many delicious pictures for us to enjoy! Fabulous.
Beautiful Chandeliers and your store is just lovely!
If you go to Facebook and look up USS Midway Museum, and go down to the June 25th post. You will find Edith Shain, the woman being kissed by the sailor on V-J day August 14, 1945, and yes she just passed, June 20th. Did you see the huge 25 ft statue that is in San Diego next to the midway exactly like the picture? Its so romantic!
here is her Obituary http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnw/20100622/pl_usnw/DC24667_1 ...
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