Party, party, party :)) I am loving these parties!!!
Today I am joining
It just happens to be something that I also used in
"Show and Tell Friday"
I hope that's ok and not too tacky...
Three in a parties in a row!!! Wooo hooo!!!
I couldn't decide on what to share!!! Decisions, decisions :)) But I decided on the Easter bonnet I made for my sweet, sweet grand baby Kylee ( I get to show her off too).
I love white eyelet lace. It is so pure and innocent.
Doesn't she look adorable :)) Sooo serious though.... She is quite a thinker.
I think she is reading a book here :)) Very studious... don't you think??
Baby bubbles.... she is really good at that too. LOVE IT!!!
I had to throw this in just to show that she has a very silly side too. She is wearing her daddy's Army hat. She looks so much like her daddy!!! He is currently serving in Iraq so please pray for him (his name is Bailey) and all of our soldiers!!! Bless their hearts!!
Well, I hope you enjoyed my very first Show and Tell presentation (It will get better in time, I promise) Please come and visit anytime!!! You will always be welcomed here :)) I am fairly new at this blog stuff and learning so much!! I hope to share all of my thoughts, well not ALL of them ;)) but the ones I think are appropriate and interesting anyways. I will have lots of before and after projects. I paint furniture (and anything else that will stand still long enough), sew, reupholster, SHOP :)) and so much more. I will be opening an Etsy shop too. I have soooo much stuff from my shop to get rid of). Comments make me VERY happy!! I also feel my heart skip a beat when I see that someone else is "following" me. Silly I know but I am being truthful. So if you like what you've seen so far, feel free to leave a comment and you are more than welcome to become a follower. I promise to do my best to never lead you astray :))
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend. We are planning on a beach run with the
Houston Land Rover Club. Should be lots of fun!!!
Love to you all!!!
I almost forgot.... I will be having a giveaway next Saturday for my "followers" all four of ya :)) LOL!!!
It will be just in time for the Fourth of July!!
Hint, hint... Red, White, and Blue. FOUR... anyways
I will tell you what it is in a couple of days :))
So if you're interested be sure to click on the "follow" button and leave a comment as well :)) I love both... and yes I do mean LOVE them!!!
(Don't worry, just because you "follow" me doesn't mean you will be getting a million e-mails or solicitations or anything. It just means you like my blog.) And you will be automatically entered into all of my giveaways!!
Pretty cool, huh???
Thanks so much for visiting :))
Have a wonderful day!!!
For more sewing projects
head over to...

I almost forgot.... I will be having a giveaway next Saturday for my "followers" all four of ya :)) LOL!!!
It will be just in time for the Fourth of July!!
Hint, hint... Red, White, and Blue. FOUR... anyways
I will tell you what it is in a couple of days :))
So if you're interested be sure to click on the "follow" button and leave a comment as well :)) I love both... and yes I do mean LOVE them!!!
(Don't worry, just because you "follow" me doesn't mean you will be getting a million e-mails or solicitations or anything. It just means you like my blog.) And you will be automatically entered into all of my giveaways!!
Pretty cool, huh???
Thanks so much for visiting :))
Have a wonderful day!!!
For more sewing projects
head over to...

Hi Michella! What a beautiful Bonnet & What a beautiful grand baby! Two hats and two moods love it!
Thanks for the great comment onn my blog! I am going to e-mail you tonight.
I am your newest follower (it makes my heart skip a beat too.. I am loving blogging:-)
Hello, my friend. That bonnet is precious, and your grandbaby...sigh...she is just adorable! Oh how I long to be a Grammy some day. Great show*n*tell! I didn't get mine posted in was a crazy day. Come on by and check out my Pink Saturday might be something you are interested in participating in! Have a lovely weekend.
Back Porch Blessings,
The baby bonnet is so precious. I love baby clothes especially the white christening gowns and bonnetts
That bonnet is adorable! My daughter always wore similar bonnets as a baby. I'm your newest follower from tgc! I hope you follow me too!
Adorable bonnet....and what a beautiful baby!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!
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