Today I am joining Cindy
My Romantic Home
~ Show and Tell Friday ~
~ Favorite Things Friday ~
A Few of My Favorite Things
Kathy at
A Delightsome Life
~ Victoria ~ A Return To Loveliness ~
Blog Party #3
I absolutely love Victoria Magazine!!
And I have quite a collection.
I discovered it about 17 years ago
when I was newly married
and a stay at home mom.
and a stay at home mom.
We had an instant family
with his and mine together.
with his and mine together.
We were on a very tight budget
so I would usually
so I would usually
get my fix at the supermarket
in the magazine aisle :))
in the magazine aisle :))
Luckily, everybody liked looking
at the magazines!
at the magazines!
At first, I started buying just one,
the Valentine's Day copy.
the Valentine's Day copy.
This is the oldest one that I have.
~ 1993 ~
~ 1994 ~
~ 1995 ~
~ 1996 ~
~ 2000 ~
These are not all of them,
just some of my favorites.
(This cover is one of my very favorites)
~ 2002 ~
(It's a toss up between these two)
It's funny how a magazine can be such
a huge part of your life.
But it really has helped shape me into
the person I am today.
I love everything about Victoria.
From the stories, the recipes,
not to mention the photographs!!!
Sooo inspiring!!
I was even introduced to Pilates through Victoria.
Pilates is a form of exercise that includes a lot
of stretching and core strengthening.
There is no bouncing, jumping,
or jarring movements.
It is just as relaxing as much as it is exercise!!
I highly recommend it!!!
When I start decorating for the holidays,
I always pull out my magazines
for some ideas and inspiration.
I cannot tell you how may times
I have flipped through
the pages of my December issues!!
I LOVE White!!!
There is no mistake about that,
but when fall hits I like warmer colors.
The contrast between the white and
darker colors is just beautiful!!
This is my favorite December cover!!
I love the deep, rich colors.
Plaid is right next to white
on my FAVORITES List :))
Not sure why, but I love anything PLAID!!
There must be a bit of Scottish
in my gypsy blood :))
The photographers have such a way to make
it look so warm and cozy!!
The perfect chair to sit and read!!
I would wear this in a heartbeat!!
And Scotty could wear this!!
(Heck, I would wear this, lol!!)
I love masculine looking clothes when they
are fitted to a feminine form.
Very appealing to me!!
I prefer the styling and photography
of the old Victoria.
(Shhh... don't tell)
But I am so happy that it's back :))
I can't really put my finger on it,
but there was just a softness about it.
It had a dreamy kind of feeling about it.
As warm as the fall issues were,
the summer issues were cool and breezy.
Blue and White is so perfect together.
I know Cindy has this all over her home
just from reading her blog :))
I also happen to know that she has quite
an extensive collection of chintz.
Sooo pretty!!
Along with my 70 + magazines
I am always on the look out for
books from Victoria.
I have a few but would love to add to my collection.
My favorite (and is on my coffee table now) is
~ At home with White ~
Instant vacation :))
I love Creamware and will be listing some
in my Etsy shop to sell soon.
I found this at a thrift shop.
It was a gift from what I would guess
to be grand kids.
Nice grandma, lol!!!
How can someone part with
something like that???
Oh well, that's my sentimental side I guess.
It has such beautiful pictures, thoughts,
quotes, and stories throughout he book.
I love this picture!
Her hands resemble my grandmother's hands.
I can still (after 30 years of her passing)
remember her hands,
how she smelled, her voice, her laugh.
So much of who I am today
is from my grandmother.
She had kind of wild side too, lol!!
My mom got that part!!
Love ya mom :))
Another reason I am so
enamored with Victoria
is because of all of the flowers!!!
This book "A House in Bloom"
has gorgeous ideas on how to
decorate with florals.
I am always on the hunt for
older magazines, books,
or anything else from Victoria.
If anybody has some that need a good home
I am willing to adopt, care for,
and pay for the shipping of them.
(I am not above hand-me-downs:))
Kathy at A Delightsome Life is hosting
~ Victoria ~ A Return To Loveliness ~
Blog Party #3
Be sure to join us over at Cindy's blog for more
~ Show and Tell ~

Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Love to y'all!!!

The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Numbers 6: 22 - 27