To be perfectly honest,
I only heard about Etsy about a year ago,
and even then I really didn't give it much thought.
My BAD!!
This is an amazing place that has the most talented artisans you could imagine and collectors of all things vintage!!!
I haven't even delved into the craft supply side yet!
Heck, I haven't even scratched the surface of the
handmade or vintage items!!
I just started selling on Etsy and have one thing listed, LOL!!
I have a looong way to go!!!
But I received an email saying that my
very humble little mirror
was added to someone's Treasury!!
I don't know exactly what that is just yet,
but I still am very humbled that they would like something that I did enough to add it to their Treasury!!!
Maybe it happens to everyone all the time....
I honestly don't know.
But either way, I am very honored to be included :))
If you do sell on Etsy or your blog
I would like to tell you about a link party
that you might be interested in.
Rory at "Tools Are For Women Too"
is hosting a link party
(Times Are Tough Thursdays)
It is specifically for those of us who have an
Etsy shop or sell on our blogs.
This past Thursday was the first party and the
last time I checked there were 589 entries!!!
And you have until Sunday to link up!!
You will find the link at the end of this post.
So with all that being said...
I am going to show you some of the
~ PINK ~ items I came across over at Etsy!!
I figured it would be perfect for Pink Saturday :))
Only one (the very first one) of the photos below are mine,
so pretty please do not copy them.
If you see a photo that belongs to you and you would like to have it removed please contact me and I will do so at once...
But please know that I am in no way, shape, or form trying to steal anything and make it my own.
I am just trying to make as many people aware of
Etsy as I possibly can!!
I will also work on linking each picture with their rightful owners :))
I hope you take the time to visit Etsy if you've never before!!
You can click on the picture at the very top where it says
Michella Marie & Co.
~ Click to enter shop ~
I will be working to get all of the pictures connected to their proper links!!
I don't want to get into trouble over this, LOL!!
Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!!
Love to y'all!!!

~ xo ~
He who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.
(Proverbs 15:15b)

I love all the pink. You have a fabulous weekend
lol I mentioned Etsy in my post this morning. LOVE all the pinks. Your Etsy looks great! I hope you have much luck with it, my friend. Happy Pink Saturday!
Isn't Etsy wonderful! I used to sell on Ebay but now just on Etsy. Love the pinks you chose today ~ enjoy your weekend!!
I love everything!!! and want it all..hahaha
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