Joining Kathleen
~ White Wednesday ~
Faded Charm
~ White Wednesday ~
Faded Charm
~ Show and Tell Friday ~
My Romantic Home
Here's a peek into my (soon to be) very organized
laundry room ~ supply room ~
magazine storage room :/
You really can't see all of the magazines.
The shelves extend another foot over to the right.
But I will tell you there are a
whole lotta magazines there!!!
I tend to hold on to things.
In this case it would be magazines.
I don't know why I do this really,
but I do try to keep it somewhat organized
just to keep it under control and hide it a bit.
But having a bad memory when everything is
not so good, lol!! I have everything,
but I just can't remember where I put it :))
About a month ago, I stepped into
~~ The Container Store ~~
for the very first time....
Oh.... My.... Gosh!!!
Let's just say I WAS IN HEAVEN!!
I could definitely spend a lot
of money in that place!!
The white hat boxes they had there were beautiful.
They have every kind of storage box imaginable.
The ones in the above picture are NOT them, lol!!
I found these at Wal-Mart
for a fraction of the price.
Shabby Chic bins from Target on clearance :))
I love the paisley and floral pattern on them.
If this wall doesn't come down from all of the
weight it holds it will be a miracle!!
Luckily, my husband knows me pretty well :))
so he put all of the brackets directly into the studs!!
This is my sewing machine that I've had since I was 16.
We've been through a lot together, lol!!
I still remember my first projects that I fumbled through!!
Getting that tension right is ohhh sooo important!!
My mom and I went to the San Jose Flea Market
and bought a bolt of white eyelet fabric,
assorted pink ribbon, and trims.
I was on my way to decorating my bedroom.
I made curtains, pillows,
and a runner for my cedar hope chest.
It all went beautifully with my white day bed
and white eyelet comforter!!!
Funny how I haven't veered too far away from white :))
Here is a sad little machine
that doesn't get the attention it deserves.
I love it when it is threaded correctly
and all of the settings are just right.
I've had it for a couple of years
and have used it a few times.
It really does produce amazing results
(with a lot of practice and patience)
It only took me a couple of decades
(plus a few years)
to learn how to use my sewing machine effectively,
so I figure when I'm well into my eighties,
I will be a real whiz with my serger :))
More white organizational boxes to the right of the serger!!!
I love the silver labels and pulls.
Nifty little organizer my mom bought for me.
White... perfect!
Shabby.... perfect!
Shells.... perfect!
Organizer..... Super Perfect!!!
Thanks MOM :))
Here's my handy dandy tool box that I painted white :))
Along with my gloves that have seen better days, lol!!
But they are my good pair!!
I actually have a some with holes in the fingertips
that I fixed with duct tape!!
I really do work hard ;))
When I started the process of organizing this area,
I thought to myself....
"Okay, I am going to get rid of a ton
of magazines that I absolutely do not need!!!"
Well..... LOL!!
After a whole day spent looking through magazines,
take a look at what I couldn't live without!!!
Totally PATHETIC, I know, haha!!!
A few Rachel Rays, a couple of catalogs, and a bunch of "Mujer" A beautiful spanish magazine that I did not subscribe to but they won't quit sending them to me, lol!!!
The food in there looks soo yummy though!!
And the articles are pretty interesting
(what I can translate anyway :))
I kept them hoping to translate more of the recipes
and work on my spanish, lol!!
If I could only keep one collection of magazines
it would definitely be my Victorias!!!
I absolutely loooovvve Victoria!!!
I have some back from '93.
Next Friday, my Show and Tell post will be about my Victoria collection!!! I can't wait :))
Below is a portion of my collection.
If you're a fan of Victoria, you won't want to miss this!!
I hope you enjoyed my little tour around a corner
of my laundry room ~ supply room ~
magazine storage room :))
I can't wait until it is all finished!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
Love to y'all,

Looks wonderful! My "stuff" needs to look pretty too until I need it! Have a wonderful weekend!!
I don't think I told you before but I love your blog background. So pretty. Organization. . think I put it off till the fall.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
I love a beautifully organized space. I did my bedroom closet a year ago and would stare at it endlessly! It now needs to be reworked. I have accumulated to much stuff. Victoria has to be the most beautiful magazine.I wish I had a collection like you appear to have. Can't wait to see!
It looks fantastic! I love how you organized things and it looks so pretty afterwards.
This absolutely fantastic! Love the creamy storage containers, the shabby chic from Target! Oh, and the Container Store - what an amazing place! I haven't been able to go to one in quite a while - but, it is terrific!
So glad you came by, looking forward to your post on your Victoria Magazines - hope to see you on Tuesdays at A Delightsome Life!
Haha, my mom had the same Kenmore as I was growing up! The funny thing was that she had a singer that was even older than the Kenmore that she loved so we both always sewed on the old singer, and I always thought of the Kenmore as the "new" machine! Now I feel old :).
Hi Michella...
How lovely it all looks... so organized!!! I am jealous:-)
I am in such need of organization!! I had a new house with tons of closet space when I bought the victorian house I now live in, 3 small closets that is it!! I knew it would be a challenge, but wow:-)
Love those shabby chic fabric boxes... so nice!
Can't wait to see your Victoria magazine collection.. I too am a magazine hoarder:-)
Your room is looking fab and super organised! Had to laugh at your comment on the magazines, I am going through mine too but haven't parted with a single one yet...
This is my first time here..what a lovely blog! I too am a magazine lover.... I think I enjoy a new magazine more than TV or a movie.
Rene'@ BargainHoot
Your blog is quite cool and so is your name! Glad I found you!
The Container Store??? I have never heard of one before! It sounds like heaven! Your room is looking pretty darn awesome!
Great job!
It looks great. Sooo well organized and pretty too. You have inspired me to attempt to do some organizing.
So love your very well organized room!!
Happy WW!
Hi Michella!
Sorry I've missed reading you for a few days. We took some visitors from New Zealand to Yosemite so I'm way behind.
I didn't know they had the Container Store in Texas. I LOVE that place. You can get so many ideas on how to store stuff there.
MY GOSH you have some magazines...and I thought I was bad :)
I MUST take a photo of my Singer sewing machine. My grandmother taught me how to sew and when I was 12 which is when my parents bought me a machine. That makes it....hmmmm...45 years old?'s still working and I'm falling apart. NOT FAIR!
I like your shelves! I' m a confessed magazine hoarder, so I completely understand. I even did an entire post last month about my rather large collection of magazines and how I'm slowly weeding through them.
Does your Kenmore sewing machine still work? I bought one with cams in the early 70's and used it until the late 80's when I purchased a Bernina. I'm still using that one, and I've always sewn a lot. Both good machines!
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